The Cancer Radiomic and Perfusion Imaging (CARPI) automated framework is a Python-based software application that is vendor- and sequence-neutral. CARPI uses DICOM-RT files generated using an application of the user’s choice and automatically performs:
:heavy_check_mark: Radiomic Feature Extraction
:heavy_check_mark: Perfusion Analysis
:heavy_check_mark: Relational Database Generation
:heavy_check_mark: Graphic Report Generation
[!NOTE] Link to Technical Paper:
STEP 1. Download the CARPI directory from this repository.
STEP 2. Install the required Python libraries:
a) pip install pydicom
b) pip install DicomRTTool
c) pip install pyradiomics
d) pip install psycopg2
STEP 3. Download and configure PostgreSQL:
STEP 4. Open the database.ini file and edit it according to your PostgreSQL configuration:
STEP 5. Open the script and enter the user-defined variables:
STEP 6. Run